Herbivorous Dinosaurs
Herbivorous Dinosaurs are animals that eat only plants some of these herbivorous dinosaurs include the Ankylosaurus, Apatosaurus, Camarasaurus, Diplodocus, Dryosaurus, Euoplocephalus, Heterodontosaurus, Hypsilophodon, Iguanodon, Kentrosaurus, Lambeosaurus, Lesothosaurus, Maiasaura, Massospondylus, Montanoceratops, Pachycephalosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Protoceratops, Riojasaurus, Sauropelta, Seismosaurus, Stegoceras, Stegosaurus, Styracosaurus, Supersaurus, Triceratops, Ultrasauros, Xiaosaurus, Zigongosaurus, and many, many others.
Carnivorous Dinosaurs
Carnivorous Dinosaurs are animals that eat only meat some of these dinosaurs include the : Albertosaurus, Allosaurus, Coelophysis, Compsognathus, Deinonychus, Dilophosaurus, Eoraptor, Giganotosaurus, Megalosaurus, Suchomimus, Tyrannosaurus rex, Unenlagia, Utahraptor. Velociraptor, Yangchuanosaurus, and many others.
Only a few were known as Omnivores. A omnivore is a animal the eats both plants and meat, this is what they eat eggs, insects, plants and meat etc. Some herbivorous dinosaurs accidentally eat small insects and animals which are on the plant, making them "accidental omnivores".
Oddballs were dinosaurs that had thin plates, that were their teeth. They stuck their head into muddy water then the got some on their mouth and held it there like a sieve so the crustaceans stuck to their plates, after they had stuck the dinosaur would spit out the mud and water. Then use its lips or tongue to push the insects into their mouth.
The First Dinosaurs
Some of the amphibians changed into enormous reptiles, this is where dinosaurs came in. Just 200million years ago, some of the dinosaurs were around about the size of a truck. They usually always had four legs, but only some ever used their hind legs for walking or running- quite like today's Kangaroos.
Giant dinosaurs
On earth 150 million years ago there were plenty of plants and trees because the climate was so good so the dinosaurs had plenty to eat. this is why the plant-eating dinosaurs grew so big. Their massive size meant that as well as having a brain, where the brain usually goes they also have a brain near their back end because their necks were so long the cells could not work so well if they only one brain. They were very gentle creatures, they were so huge that only a few brave animals dared to attack them. All of the meat-eating dinosaurs (except the Allosaurus), were small and only about two metres in length.
Death of the Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs are now extinct, but no one is sure why these extremely amazing creatures disappeared. About 65 million years ago, Earth suffered from many earthquakes, then the continents began to separate. While that was happening the weather grew much colder too. Dinosaurs were too slow to adjust to the weather, so they died out.
Giants of the oceans
Between 200 and 60 million years ago the creatures that inhabited the sea ecame more and even more complicated. The most ancient one of them all is a huge shark that has a bony head this is called the Dinichthys. After that there is a reptile that had adjusted to living in water and that is called the Mixosaurus. There also is the Ichthyosaur which gave live birth because it did not lay eggs. The latest one which appeared about 60 million years ago is a very fast swimmer which is also the ancestor of the whale it is called the Basilosaurus.